What Do You Never Regret Doing That You Never Do?
I have a confession: I skipped going to the gym yesterday. Shame, shame, shame… My friend once told me, “You never regret going to the gym.” I have say, he was right. I am definitely not one of those “addicted to the gym” people. To me the gym is quite often a necessary evil like […]
How to Be More Improvise-ABLE
Here’s an unfortunate truth you need to face: Your brilliant plan will fall apart at some point. You may think you have every angle covered, but you will have missed something. Or something will happen that no one could ever could have anticipated. Or someone else will do something incredibly stupid that will throw you […]
Can Improv Comedy Save a Marriage? Yes, And…
If I were to say to you, “the idea from improv comedy can save a marriage,” you would probably tell me I was nuts and that improv isn’t all that powerful. Well, it turns out that it hust might be… A couple of years back I went around recording some interviews for a product launch […]
Step by Step Process to Improvising With Anything
Saying “Yes, And!” Within Five Seconds
Have you ever had an idea to do something, to take some action, to jump on an opportunity, only to find yourself hesitating, not stepping up, and watching the opportunity pass you by? We all do it, and it’s one of the primary ways we cheat ourselves out of getting the things we really want. […]
Audio: Improv Comedy For Sales – “Say Yes And!”
Here’s an MP3 of a short audio program I did a little while ago for Comcast Spotlight. In the audio, I talk about how to use the improv comedy principle of saying, “Yes, And” instead of “Yes, But” to improve sales. Improv Comedy for Sales – Yes And Take a listen and apply the “Yes, […]
The Power of “Yes”
Are you a “yes” person, or a “no” person? Or, in improv parlance, are you a “yes, and” person or a “yes, but” person? That little switch from “no” to “yes” can make a huge difference. I was reminded of this while watching, of all things, a Jim Carrey movie. (Spoiler Alert! I do give […]
The Fine Art of “Grodining”
(Note: this post first appeared on Avish’s humorous personal development blog) Grodining Definition: To flat out deny someone by saying “no,” offering little or no explanation or alternative Etymology: I don’t know what etymology exactly means, only that it has nothing to do with bugs. So I will say that this term comes from a […]