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Below are some things you can do to help spread the word about the new book Say “Yes, And!”
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Here are some pre-written tweets. Click on the link or cut and past the Tweet yourself
- Pick up a copy of “Say ‘Yes, And!'” on Feb 28th and get over $200 in bonuses! Learn more and read a sample here: http://goo.gl/ISTGQ (click link to post on Twitter now)
- @avishp is giving away over $200 in bonuses to people who buy “Say ‘Yes, And!'” on 2/28! get yours here: http://goo.gl/ISTGQ (click link to post on Twitter now)
- I’m reading @avishp’s new book: “Say ‘Yes, And!'” Read a free sample here: http://goo.gl/ISTGQ (click link to post on Twitter now)
- Read a FREE sample of “Say ‘Yes, And!'” here: http://goo.gl/ISTGQ via @avishp (click link to post on Twitter now)
- I’m checking out @avishp’s new book: “Say ‘Yes, And!'” You can read a sample for free here: http://goo.gl/ISTGQ (click link to post on Twitter now)
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Email Templates
Grab the copy of one of the two emails beloew and send it to all your friends, clients, co-workers, colleagues, family members, etc. (feel free to edit as you need)
Email #1 – Short Version.
Subject: New Book (+ a Special Offer worth over $200)
A speaker and author I know, Avish Parashar, has just released a new book titled, “Say ‘Yes, And!'” and he has a great special offer for people who buy the book today.
The book takes a fundamental principle from improv comedy – saying “yes, and” instead of “yes, but” – and shows readers how that simple idea can help them improve their careers, businesses, relationships, and personal lives.
As a special promotion, if you buy the book today, February 28th, you’ll get access to over $200 in free gifts, including PDF versions of two of Avish’s other books and over 8 hours of MP3 recordings of some of Avish’s most popular audio programs. That’s over $200 in gifts in return for buying a $12.95 book.
To get the book and the free gifts, visit http://www.SayYesAnd.com
This offer is only for people who buy the book today, February 28th, so don’t delay!
P.S. Remember, this offer is only for people who buy the book today, February 28th, so don’t delay!
Email #2 – Long Version
Subject: New Book (+ a Special Offer worth over $200)
A speaker and author I know, Avish Parashar, has just released a new book titled, “Say ‘Yes, And!'” and he has a great special offer for people who buy the book today.
The book takes a fundamental principle from improv comedy – saying “yes, and” instead of “yes, but” – and shows readers how that simple idea can help them improve their careers, businesses, relationships, and personal lives.
As a special promotion, if you buy the book today, February 28th, you’ll get access to over $200 in free gifts, including PDF versions of two of Avish’s other books and over 8 hours of MP3 recordings of some of Avish’s most popular audio programs. That’s over $200 in gifts in return for buying a $12.95 book.
To get the book and the free gifts, visit http://www.SayYesAnd.com
This offer is only for people who buy the book today, February 28th, so don’t delay!
Here’s the description from Amazon:
Can saying two little words really make a big difference in your life? Absolutely, if those two words are, “Yes, And.”
Every new project (or idea, or relationship, or impulse) represents a moment in time. Too often, people talk themselves out of taking advantage of those opportunities by saying, “yes, but” to themselves, to their co-workers, and to themselves.
Saying, “yes, but,” is a sure way to stay stuck exactly where you are. It’s a great way to alienate and annoy the people around you. It’s a great way t deny yourself the joy and success you want and deserve.
According to professional speaker Avish Parashar, what sets rock stars apart from those who struggle and give up is that the rock stars understand the immense power of saying, “Yes, And.”
People who succeed first ask themselves, “How can I say, ‘Yes, And” to this?” People who struggle don’t ask anything; they just say, “yes, but” without thinking. If the idea seems simple, that’s because it is. It is also an idea that the majority of the world fails to implement.
Whether you are a manager of a company, a freelancer, a small business owner, a corporate executive, or simply a person who wants to get more out of their time, relationships, and life, this fun little book will help you figure out where you have been saying, “yes, but,” and teach you how to transform your results by switching to “Yes, And.”
This book doesn’t claim to know it all. But it will show you how to find the answers you need by saying two simple words: “Yes, And”
Remember, the offer to get over $200 in free bonuses expires at midnight tonight, so you must act now!