7 Simple Ways to Improvise Around Obstacles and Setbacks!
This past Tuesday, November 29th, was the fifth session in the Smart Ass Success Teleseminar Series. I was the one being interviewed on this call, and I spoke on the topic of improvising and flowing around obstacles on your path to success. Below I have posted a six minute clip from the interview, as well […]
Can Improv Comedy Save a Marriage? Yes, And…

If I were to say to you, “the idea from improv comedy can save a marriage,” you would probably tell me I was nuts and that improv isn’t all that powerful. Well, it turns out that it hust might be… A couple of years back I went around recording some interviews for a product launch […]
Step by Step Process to Improvising With Anything
Saying “Yes, And!” Within Five Seconds

Have you ever had an idea to do something, to take some action, to jump on an opportunity, only to find yourself hesitating, not stepping up, and watching the opportunity pass you by? We all do it, and it’s one of the primary ways we cheat ourselves out of getting the things we really want. […]
The Power of “Yes”

Are you a “yes” person, or a “no” person? Or, in improv parlance, are you a “yes, and” person or a “yes, but” person? That little switch from “no” to “yes” can make a huge difference. I was reminded of this while watching, of all things, a Jim Carrey movie. (Spoiler Alert! I do give […]
The Fine Art of “Grodining”

(Note: this post first appeared on Avish’s humorous personal development blog) Grodining Definition: To flat out deny someone by saying “no,” offering little or no explanation or alternative Etymology: I don’t know what etymology exactly means, only that it has nothing to do with bugs. So I will say that this term comes from a […]